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parent &child May 2023 3 T he Crunching leaves of Autumn 3 E d's picks 4 T ips for a healthy first trimester 8 T he impact of auto-immune diseases and pregnancy 12 L ook what I can do! 14 W hat to pack in your child’s crèche bag 18 C ool kid's activities for winter 20 Childhood cancer: the fight for young lives 24 G iving your baby that extra boost 28 Z inc: The secret mineral for growing strong and healthy! 32 M ake a splash with your toddler: a guide to bath time fun 36 T he eczema diaries 40 F ood fighters WHAT OUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS DESERVE Click the links below do discover more. Publishing team Dis-Chem services Register for a Dis-Chem Benefit card or update your details now via Whatsapp. Our panel of experts Benefit Partners Store finder Dis-Chem Foundation Get more. Save more. Give more. Editor-in-Chief Shereen Saltzman e-mail: Head of Design Deon Mclellan Advertising Enquiries Suzan Louw e-mail: Tel: 072 244 1478 Publisher Jenny Honey e-mail: Contact Details: Tel: (011) 532-4000 Copyright Benefits magazine is published on behalf of Dis‑Chem by Profit Partnership Corporation (Pty) Ltd. Address: Dis‑Chem Head Office, 23 Stag Road, Midrand Customer Careline: Tel: 0860 347 243 e-mail: Website: Printed by A division of Novus Holdings Images: GALLOIMAGES/ISTOCK Disclaimer: Dis‑Chem and Profit Partnership Corporation (Pty) Ltd cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content of this publication, which is provided for general information purposes only – no part of it constitutes medical advice. You should discuss matters with your doctor before making any decision. Dis‑Chem and Profit Partnership Corporation (Pty) Ltd will not accept responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage you may suffer as a result of using or relying on any information in this magazine. All prices and stock availability are subject to change. E&OE. DischemTV @Dischem Our panel of experts Vanessa Calitz Vanessa is the Fragrance Category Manager for Dis‑Chem Pharmacies, and has a wealth of experience having launched and built many successful prestigious fragrance brands in the market. Ashley Butler Ashley Butler, the National Nutrition and Wellness Expert for Dis‑Chem Pharmacies, has a wealth of experience in the vitamin, supplement and nutrition environment. Dr Len Nel Dr Len Nel M.B.Ch.B M.Med (Derm), a dermatologist in private practice. Tshidi Moeletsane Tshidi Moeletsane, Regional Area Cosmetics Manager, is passionate about cosmetics, skincare and fragrances. Kathleen Mc Quaide Kathleen Mc Quaide, a sports scientist, is the Strategic, Marketing and Relationship Manager at the Sports Science Institute of SA (SSISA) and enjoys writing health articles. Dr Rakesh Chandran Dr Rakesh Chandran is a dental specialist in private practice in the field of Periodontics, Dental Implantology and Oral Medicine. Dr Gerald Kaplan Dr Gerald Kaplan is a dental specialist in private practice specializing in the field of Prosthodontics. Having been in practice for many years he can help you achieve sound dental health. Kerry Little Award winning stylist Kerry Little has extensive experience in the hair industry and exposure to different hair techniques. Karen Fluxman Karen Fluxman is a Paris trained beauty consultant, and has international diplomas from institutes in France. Lisa Raleigh Lisa Raleigh, a wellness activist and expert, fitness trend influencer and author, is fast becoming South Africa’s unofficial face of wellness and healthy living. Angela Williams Angela is a make-up artist as well as brand manager for Dis‑Chem on all exclusive colour brands. Make-up is her absolute passion. SUBSCRIBE

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Edit p o i r c ' k s s TheTommeeTippeeMade for me Double Electric Breast Pump is lightweight, slimline and quiet. The USB rechargeable power unit provides over 90 minutes of power (with full charge) to give mums the freedom to express anywhere. The adjustable settings allow you to fully control the level of expressing needed during each pumping session. THE CRUNCHING LEAVES OF AUTUMN DEAR READERS W hen I think of Autumn, I often consider the cold that is yet to come. Anyone who knows me, knows that I prefer the heat to the chill, so on some level, I need to prepare myself for the next few cooler months. This year, I decided that I needed to change my attitude towards what I dread – the cold included. I feel that I need to consider the things that I have to look forward to. I do not like the cold. We have established that, but what I do like is snuggling under a blanket. The heat of a Johannesburg summer would never allow me that opportunity during the warmer months… SHERRY SALTZMAN EDITOR Fozzi’s foam groovy green bath wash turns bath time into playtime with loads of frothy foam. This groovy green bath foam will ensure that your kids have the best bath time ever. The gentle cleansers and moisturisers that have been added to the soft foam are suitable for daily use and leave your kids’ skin soft, clean and fragrant. The bath foam comes in a convenient spray bottle that is easy to store and for the children to use. Sebamed Baby Value Pack has been developed specifically for the needs of sensitive children's skin and dermatologically tested for compatibility. Its pH value of 5.5 plays a particularly important role in children's early years because it promotes the formation of the acid mantle. Pharylex for children is indicated for the symptomatic treatement of throat infection and pain in children between the ages of 3 - 12 years. When applied on the throat surface pharylex forms a film over the throat mucosa and mechanically attracts hypotonic fluid from the throat mucus membrane. This strong outward flow of liquid detaches and drains all the contaminants present on the surface of the throat and prepares a favourable ground for healing and recovery. CONTENTS Benefits parent & child | 3
